How can I reach over 100% volume with a keyboard shortcut?

sometimes the sound of videos isn't enough for me. so i reach the sound indicator , over sound preferences and change it to a level higher than 100%. the question is how can i do it from the keyboard? now i can control the volume from the keyboard but it's maximum is 100%. is there a way to do that?

EDIT 1: how to use amixer and scripts to do it? (as Lyrositor suggested)

EDIT2: the closest answer , as Jo-erland, suggested is to set a hotkey to bring up the gnome-volume-control, and then to use left and right arrows to change volume also beyond the 100% mark.

any other suggestions, to make this 1 step only? is it possible to set a hotkey to do a sequence of commands ?

try running these commands (via alt+f2 or terminal):

volume to 150%:

pactl set-sink-volume 0 150%

to return the volume to 100% simply:

pactl set-sink-volume 0 100%

(video demonstration of those commands here)

Note that the argument after set-sink-volume specifies your sound device. If you have hdmi you will likely have 2 devices and you need to check for your device id using alsamixer or pacmd list-sinks or even pactl list sinks.

If it doesn't work, try this script.

If it works, manually set a keyboard shortcut for these commands through the application 'keyboard shortcuts' (on ubuntu 11.04: key 'super' -> type 'keyboard shortcuts' -> button 'add').

The command pactl belongs to the package "pulseaudio-utils' to install it use the command:

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-utils

IMO pactl set-sink-volume 0 +10% is a good choice too if you want key that slowly adds volume beyond 100% limit (I use Ctrl + VolumeUp for that).