Many more vs much more / many fewer vs much fewer [closed]

Solution 1:

Both much and many can be used, but which is appropriate depends on whether the noun they're referring to is countable or not.

With countable nouns, use many more or many fewer:

I had many more bananas than Tom. I had many fewer nickels than Alice.

With uncountable nouns, use much more or much less

How much more fiber does a banana have than an apple? How much less water does this process use?

Solution 2:

According to Google Books Ngram Viewer, COCA, Ludwig and storywrangler, "many more people" is much more frequently used than "much more people". A search on the NOW corpus shows that "many more" modifies countable nouns while "much more" is followed by uncountable nouns in most cases. Grammatical rules do not work here. In "many more people", "many" pretends to function as an adverb, but in fact it is still an adjective. Keep in mind that language is not science. If many people use "many more people ", it will be grammatically correct eventually. enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here