pronunciation of versus or vs [closed]

No, it's not standard or common for people to say "verse" instead of "versus." If someone on a YouTube channel said "verse" in place of "versus," it was either an oral gaffe or the result of their own ignorance—a malaprop.

That said, there are people who do mistakenly think "versus" is a verb, specifically a non-existent definition of the verb "verse" that would convey a subject and object fighting one another, thus writing things like "John verses Susan" instead of "John versus Susan." This of course is undetectable in speech because "verses" and "versus" are pronounced the same, the very reason for this malapropistic back formation happening in the first place. Since that's what it is, a malapropistic back formation of "versus," it is conceivable that someone might conjugate that non-existent verb as "verse," sans any final S, if the subject is plural, like "John and Mary verse Joe and Molly." Again, I haven't heard anyone actually do that, but it's conceivable.