What is eating the Super+Space shortcut?

I used to have Gnome-Do bound to Super+Space but this stopped working after upgrading to Oneiric. I assume this has something to do with the new Gnome/Compiz combination.

I've looked through both Gnome's and Compiz's shortcuts but can't see anything that would be nixing the keypress.

I've temporarily assigned it to Super+V and this works.

Any ideas or do I file this as a bug against Gnome-Do?

If you're using GNOME Shell, then mutter eats all Super keypresses - not just Super on its own, but any keybinding which uses Super. Or it did last time I checked. I need to figure out how to detect this and fall back to something like Ctrl+Alt+Space.

In Unity, however, Super+Space should work fine - it does for me ☺. Although Unity uses just Super to bring up the Dash, keybindings containing Super should still work.