Free viewer for Excel files other than OpenOffice

Other than OpenOffice, can you suggest a light free viewer for Excel files?

Isn't Quick Look enough?

You could also try to upload them on Google Docs.

Quick Look can be set to allow copying of text. Launch Terminal and type the following command:

defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool true

Then restart the Finder with the following command:

killall Finder

After selecting use the keyboard ⌘+C to copy.

Read more at Cult of Mac


Selecting text seems to be disabled in OS X 10.11. But this Terminal hack works in many versions prior to 10.11.

I myself use OS X's Quick Look. I think it's good enough.

Just select your xls (or xlsx) file and do one of the following:

  • press Space

  • press ⌘ Y

  • right click and choose Quick Look

and the file will be viewable in a separate window. Press Space again to close.

Quick Look can also be opened in full screen by pressing ⌥ Space or ⌥ ⌘ Y in the Finder. Press Esc to exit full screen.