iOS RSS reader App for offline browsing?

I am looking for an iOS app (iPhone and/or iPad) that lets me store read articles permanently for easy offline browsing.

I have tried a bunch of the ones out there, but somehow they just don't work.

Solution 1:

Reeder will do just what you ask for.

Solution 2:

In the title you ask for RSS reader offline. But you also request for "offline browsing" and say nothing about RSS in the body.

So, I guess, what you really want is Read It Later (RIL). It doesn't offer offline RSS, but for a good reason: RSS is meant to feed in content, and RIL is content you hand-pick for later offline access.

But if you want specifically RSS, then you should probably pick Byline, as @Weirdo suggested.

Solution 3:

I like Byline

It does not store articles forever, however, but it caches up to 250 articles and Web pages they link to for offline reading; very handy for crippled RSS feeds that do not include the whole article, but just a teaser and a link to the Web page.

It syncs with Google Reader and there is a free, ad-supported version and a reasonable priced app without ads.

You can download it from the App Store.