Is it multilingualism in India or multilinguality in India? [closed]

I know that multilingualism is the ability to speak more than two languages by a person or a group of persons. India is a classic example of multilingualism.

I have seen the word multilinguality.

I have searched on google to know the difference between those two words.

I could not find answer for my doubt.

I herewith attach the links

Is there a difference between multilingualism and multilinguality?

I would like to know whether we can say multilingualism in India or multilinguality in India.

I found a dictionary of suffixes.


(1) a condition indicated by the stem or prefix (autism, strabismus); (2) theory (neo-Darwinism)

Here's another example: *anti-racism*.


Quality, state (toxicity)

Another example: *equality*.

Multilingualism is sort of a description of reality. Multilinguality is a less common term, and it's more abstract, theoretical.

My children are trilingual and I currently live in the US. Multilingualism is a fact of life for my family.

I sometimes meet people who drool when they learn that my children are fluent in more than one language. They imagine it would be wonderful if their children were fluent in more than one language. However, they have no idea what day to day challenges come up. They are committed to multilinguality in theory. They can't support it in practice because they are monolingual and don't know what it's like to live with multilingualism.