Complete auto-updating of fresh Windows install

As mentioned by magicandre1981 WSUS Offline Update is great for this.

I've used it recently when nuke 'n paving XP machines, it's very easy to use and fairly self explanatory.


  • Download the WSUS Offline Update Tool.
  • Install it on a Windows machine with active Internet Connection (faster the better!).
  • Run and choose which OS, Language and what components you require (see below). WSUS Populating
  • Press [Start] and wait for all updates to be checked & downloaded from the Windows Update Servers. You can monitor the progress in the batch window if you desire.


Once complete (see below for creating ISO's), browse to the 'USB Medium' folder. (I keep this on my local disk rather than a USB drive that I'll forget to install or the drive letter will change).

This deployment folder is your 'installation' you need to deploy/copy onto your client/subject machine.

Obviously if you create ISO's burn them to DVD (if required - I do both, DVD & USB). The .iso files are in the \iso\ folder within your 'WSUS Installation' folder.


  • When running the 'UpdateInstaller' on your client machine (from your USB drive or DVD) you will see a similar window to select the deployment options (see below). I tend to copy the deployment folder to the Desktop from USB for speed, rather than running from DVD/USB before running the UpdateInstaller. WSUS Deployment

  • After pressing [Start] you will see a similar 'batch' window to the update, this is actually deploying the Windows Updates to your machine (in sequence and silent).

  • Upon completion the lower part of the batch window will indicate if a reboot is required and also if there are further pending updates to install after the reboot.

Note: This tool can take a long time to run, easily an hour on older hardware with a vanilla XP SP2 install (over 100 updates). The majority of XP machines I've done required 3 reboots for all Windows Updates including .NET.

You could try using rt7lite. It will allow you to slipstream updates, drivers, programs, etc. into a Windows install DVD. This needs to be done before you install Windows, of course.

This looks like it might help you out: Searching, Downloading, and Installing Updates (Windows)

I have personally only used it in testing, and it appears to work well.