make (a) landfall


an uncountable noun


Indefinite Articles with Uncountable Nouns Grammarly

Uncountable nouns are nouns that are either difficult or impossible to count. Uncountable nouns include intangible things (e.g., information, air), liquids (e.g., milk, wine), and things that are too large or numerous to count (e.g., equipment, sand, wood). Because these things can’t be counted, you should never use a or an with them—remember, the indefinite article is only for singular nouns. Uncountable nouns can be modified by words like some, however.

This is the case for landfall. Over time English has abandoned written articles a, an and the. Many 'rules' for their usage abound. Their use or lack of use is not a 'fatal' grammatical error. The written over time mirrors the spoken.