Put link in message body sent with Mailgun?

Solution 1:

Looking at the documentation for mailgun-js it says:

Sending messages in MIME format can be accomplished using the sendMime() function of the messages() proxy object.


The documentation then provides this code example:

var domain = 'mydomain.org';
var mailgun = require('mailgun-js')({ apiKey: "YOUR API KEY", domain: domain });
var MailComposer = require('nodemailer/lib/mail-composer');
var mailOptions = {
  from: '[email protected]',
  to: '[email protected]',
  subject: 'Test email subject',
  text: 'Test email text',
  html: '<b> Test email text </b>'
var mail = new MailComposer(mailOptions);
mail.compile().build((err, message) => {
    var dataToSend = {
        to: '[email protected]',
        message: message.toString('ascii')
    mailgun.messages().sendMime(dataToSend, (sendError, body) => {
        if (sendError) {

At the time of sharing this, the current version is 0.20.0.

As the code demonstrates, with a multi-part message you will need to provide both a plain text and HTML version of the message.