Find and rename double quotes contains files in directory

I'm trying to rename files contains double quotes with file name in directory.

/tables/ddl/ directory


Would like to remove double quotes in file names which contains that. Like this:

inventory .sql

In my shell script, To find the files with double quotes i used find command with regax as follows. It shows list of files with double quotes.

find . -name '*["]*'

Also i tried fo relaying directory and rename files.

for myfile in /tables/ddl/*; do
    echo $myfile
    rename 's,^[0-9]{2}\.,,' *sql

Is that possible to at the same time find and rename files contains with double quotes?

Judging from the usage of the rename command in the second code, you seem to have the perl-based rename command available. (There are two different rename commands, one is perl-based, the other is not. Confusing.)
Then you can rename the files removing the double quotes just with:

rename 's/"//g' /tables/ddl/*.sql
  • The first argument s/"//g is a perl statement which removes the double quotes.
  • You can pass multiple files using the type-glob *.sql to the rename command at once.
  • The command above does not affect the files which do not include double quotes.

Here is an alternative without the perl-based rename command:

find tables/ddl -type f -name '*"*' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
    mv -- "$file" "$(sed 's/"//g' <<< "$file")"
  • The usage of find command is almost same as yours.
  • The -print0 option specifies a null character (\0) as a delimiter of files to protect blank characters (whitespace, tab, etc.) in the filenames, if any.
  • The -d "" option to read command corresponds to -print0 above to split the input stream on null characters into filenames back again.
  • The sed 's/"//g' <<< "$file" command removes double quotes from the filename.
  • The command above assumes the directory name (tables/ddl here) does not include double quotes.

Or simply:

for file in tables/ddl/'"'*'"'.sql; do
    mv -- "$file" "$(sed 's/"//g' <<< "$file")"

The single quotes around the double quotes avoid the internal asterisk * to be wrapped with the double quotes.