How to get rid of Adobe Update notifier

I am working on Windows XP. Every day at 2 AM I have Adobe update notifier icon in the system tray. I don't want anything to be loaded without my permission. I disabled it in msconfig startup. But it still starts.

The name of the process is:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\AAM Updates Notifier.exe

enter image description here

How to stop this stuff?

Solution 1:

msconfig only shows a small subset of the startup applications.

Instead, you should consider using Sysinternals Autoruns. This is a free utility from Microsoft, and it gives a more comprehensive list of what is set to start up automatically.

Also, you might want to check the preferences of the Adobe applications that you have installed. Running one of those applications might start the updater service even if it was disabled from Autoruns.

Solution 2:

Updater was located in the scheduled tasks. I removed it.

Solution 3:

I hate programs that start at computer start up without asking my permision and stay in memory all day long doing god knows what with MY computer.

So, as an EXTREME measure, go to the c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\ folder and simply delete that little piece of garbage. That's what I did.

Solution 4:

In Adobe Reader/Acrobat, Edit > Preferences > Updater, turn off updates.