View at the bottom in a UIScrollView, with AutoLayout

Fairly easy to do with Auto-Layout only... no code required.

The key is to use a "content view" to hold the elements, and a greater-than-or-equal constraint between your "bottom" element and your "footer" view.

In this image, yellow is the main view, green is the scroll view, blue is the content view, the labels are gray and the footer view is pink.

enter image description here

  • Start with a fresh view controller
  • add a scroll view, normal constraints (I used 20 all the way around, so we can see the frame)
  • add a UIView to the scrollView - this will be our "content view"
  • constrain contentView Top/Bottom/Leading/Trailing all equal to 0 to the scrollView
  • constrain both the Width and Height of the contentView equal to the scrollView
  • add your elements - here I used 3 labels
  • constrain the labels as usual... I used:
    • LabelA - Top/Leading/Trailing all at 20, vertical spacing to LabelB of 60
    • LabelB - Leading/Trailing at 20, vertical spacing to LabelC of 60
    • LabelC - Leading/Trailing at 20
  • LabelC is also set to Number of Lines: 0 so it will expand with multiple lines of text
  • Add a UIView as a "footer view" (I stuck a label in it)
  • constrain the footerView Leading/Trailing/Bottom all at 20 (so we can see the frame)
  • either set a Height constraint on footerView, or use its content to constrain its height
  • add a Vertical Spacing constraint from LabelC to footerView, and set it to >= 40
  • last step, change the Height constraint of contentView to Priority: 250

Now, as you expand/contract the height of LabelC, the footerView will keep at least 40-pts of vertical space. When LabelC gets big enough to "push" footerView below the bottom, scrollView will become scrollable.


enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

you need to check ContentSize of scrollView and modify FooterView Top Constraint with the required Value

My class code

import UIKit

class scrollViewDrag: UIViewController
    /// ScrollView Outlet
    @IBOutlet weak var mainScrollView: UIScrollView!

    /// Footer View top spacing constraint
    @IBOutlet weak var footerViewTopConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!

    /// Used for ScrollView Height
    var screenHeight = CGFloat()

    /// Did Load
    override func viewDidLoad() {


    /// Function used to check for height 
    func checkForHeight(){
        /// Get scrollView Height
        screenHeight = mainScrollView.frame.size.height

        /// Check contentSize Height ?
        if mainScrollView.contentSize.height >= screenHeight {
            /// When ScrollView is having height greater than your scrollView Height
            /// Footer will scroll along other Views
            /// Issue Case
            let spacingValue = screenHeight-mainScrollView.contentSize.height
            footerViewTopConstraint.constant = spacingValue

    /// Call the height function in DidAppear
    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {


enter image description here

I had used Four View with Equal Heights And at last a footerView is attached as Fourth View

FooterView Top Constraint

enter image description here

Top constraint used as footerViewTopConstraint


Case 1 - Size is greater than scrollView Height

enter image description here

Case 2 - Expected Output

enter image description here