parse xml response with jQuery

Solution 1:

To fix the expected response data type to XML right in your request, set the dataType parameter to "xml". If you don't, jQuery uses the response headers to make a guess.

It is supported on the $.ajax() function as part of the options object, as well as on $.get() and $.post():

jQuery.ajax( options )
jQuery.get( url, data, callback, type ) url, data, callback, type )

So you could do this:

  type: 'GET',
  url: "foo.aspx",
  data: {
    key: "value"
  dataType: "xml",
  success: function (xml){
    var clientid = $(xml).find('client_id').first().text();

Note that as of jQuery 1.5 you can use a nicer version of the above Ajax request:

$.get("foo.aspx", {
  key: "value"
.done(function (xml){
  var clientid = $(xml).find('client_id').first().text();

Solution 2:

First, make a request for the XML with $.get or however you want. Then:

clientID = $(myXML).find("client_id").text();

Solution 3:

Use something like this:

$.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'test.xml', dataType: 'xml', success: function(xml){
            $('response', xml).each(function() {alert($(this).find('client_id').text());});         

Solution 4:

just to complement, i you use $.get:

$.get($('file.xml').val(),{  } , doSomethingWithData); 

function doSomethingWithData(data) {

 $(data).find("marker").each(function() {

        var marker = $(this);



here tpicall used request.responseXML is the data in this case, and you have to encapsulate it in $(data) in order to work (this make me break the head about 3 hours ;S)

                     //    alert(markerh);
