What is the opposite of "hunger level"? [closed]

Solution 1:

I think the apter word is 'satiety' than 'saturation' in the OP's context.


the state of being completely satisfied, especially with food or pleasure, so that you could not have any more.

Solution 2:

"Hunger Level" includes everything from starvation to satiety.

If you imagine a health bar in a video game, a low hunger level indicates that you're good for now (you're not hungry). A high level indicates starvation and the need to focus on refueling.

So there's really no opposite to "Hunger Level". It covers everything from one end to the other.

However, if you want an opposite to "hunger" in this context, then consider:


I ate already. I'm full.

My stomach is so full. I feel like I'm about to burst.

The health bar indicator for "Fullness" would be the reverse of "Hunger", which may be more intuitive for a video game.

Also, a video game with a "Fullness" meter wouldn't distract the player. A term like "Satiety" may hold their attention, as they ponder the meaning and pronunciation.

Solution 3:

I am a German native speaker as well, so I have little feeling for the frequency of use. I did find the words


the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity, surfeit, fullness

as well as


the act of completely satisfying yourself or a need, especially with food or pleasure

The former seems to be more fitting in your context, yet both of them are slightly more medical and less common in everyday language, see here for example.

Sources: Satiety, Satiation

Solution 4:

One possible option is energy, or energy level. It is not a direct answer for the question of the opposite of hunger, but energy levels are definitely affected by what we eat. In a game it would make fairly intuitive sense that eating foods restores your energy meter.

Solution 5:

For a computer game, Satiety is going to sound weird as it's an uncommon and formal word. Food is not a good word because it sounds like you're carrying it around with you uneaten. I think Nutrition would be a good name for your level indicator. Nutrition is not a feeling, but it expresses the meaning that you want.