How do I create a mastercraft item?

Every item you craft once you are at Blacksmithing level 10 is Mastercrafted.

A Mastercrafted item is not necessarily purple - it is more likely green or blue. The only difference is that a Mastercrafted item gets an additional stat added to it for free.

I tested this by creating a sword with the worst components possible - an Iron Sword (18 damage), a Crude Hilt (3 Physical Damage), and skipped all of the other components. The resulting item has a default name of "Mastercrafted Iron Longsword", is green, and had the following stats:

  • 16 Physical Damage
  • 5 Piercing Damage
  • +3% Damage

The +3% Damage was added since I have Blacksmithing level 10 (making the item Mastercrafted).

From what I've read, and I haven't attempted this to confirm it, every item in each slot has to be at least master tier in order to produce a purple item. Not every item you create will be an epic item, but those that you do create will have noticable benefits.

Many of the items created will be blue, but will have very high stats attributed to them.

I'm also reading about people who, frustrated at attempting to salvage decent components are crafting a gem with their desired effect into junk equipment and then salvaging components from that. The example I've seen cited is obtaining flawless magnifying rivets by adding in gems of precision. This link contains a list being compiled of combinations that are producing flawless components.

You cannot craft purple items as these are 'unique' named items made by the developers. With the right stuff you can make blue items with pretty epic stats, but it won't be purple. As for gems as far as I can see (so far in my game) you can only use utility gems on crafting (maybe armour, but def not wep), unless your mastercrafting chest/robe then you can add an epic gem

When you mastercraft an item you get an extra stat to it based on type of the item. For example, mastercrafting a leather headpiece gives a +x% experience stat on it, while mastercrafting a faeblades gives a +x% damage stat etc.