Computing Number of Bits in Public Key

1) Cut out the base64 encoded public key object:


2) Base64 decode it and ASN1 parse it:

$ cat base64-in.txt | base64 -d | openssl asn1parse -inform der
0:d=0 hl=4 l= 290 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
6:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
17:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
19:d=1 hl=4 l= 271 prim: BIT STRING

3) Notice that the BIT STRING is 4 + 2 + 13 + 9 = 28 bytes into the structure.

4) Parse the bit string:

$ cat base64-in.txt | base64 -d | openssl asn1parse -inform der -offset 28
0:d=0 hl=4 l= 257 prim: INTEGER :D4A77CEFF51E2637A7A5A6E06...
261:d=0 hl=2 l= 3 prim: INTEGER :010001

5) Notice that the key is 257 bytes. But it starts with a D (high bit set), so the leading byte has to be a zero to show it's positive. So it contains 256 unsigned bytes, or 2,048 bits.