What would be a good word for expressing "a gesture of sympathy/empathy"

I've had someone say "I'm sorry!" to me to express a gesture of sympathy/empathy, whereas my answer to that was "Don't apologise for things you cannot control..."

The only thing I can think of in English that comes even close to what I want to express is "my condolences" but in this case, no one died, so that's not a good fit neither...

So, a question to the experts: What would be a good idiom to use to tell someone that I empathise/sympathise with them, without saying "I'm sorry..."?

Note: This question is a bit similar to this one but that one doesn't really answer my question and Google didn't turn up anything useful either... :-(

Consider I feel for you

To feel for someone: to feel the emotional pain that someone else is feeling; to empathize or sympathize with someone

I really feel for you. I'm so sorry it turned out this way.

Fred felt for Dave, but there was nothing he could do for him.

I commiserate with you.

It's just one possible solution.

I can't really take any credit for it though, as I found it here.

If that OP drops in and posts it as an answer, please delete this. Credit to them.

I think the main word here is "share" and what follows, depends on context. You could share someone's feelings, frustration, pain or loss.

  • I share your feelings
  • I share your frustration
  • I share your pain
  • I share your loss
  • share (vb) To participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly TFD

I think you might be responding a bit too harshly to your well-meaning friend’s “I’m sorry,” because they’re possibly just making a connection with the related words “sorrow and sorrowful” and trying to express their heartfelt (and guiltless) sorrow/sorrowfulness to you.

However, I get what you’re saying and I think that “I’m sorry [that]” (misused as you describe) could often replace and more importantly, be replaced by “It’s such a shame [that] or What a shame [that],” as in the examples listed here under Item 1 (except the “beautiful table with a tablecloth” one) to express guilt-free sadness or disappointment to someone about “a situation [you wish] was different.” (from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

I [really] sympathize with you [for your pain/problems]

*Definition of "sympathize with someone (about someone or something)": to share someone else's sorrow or anger about someone or something; to comfort someone who is sad or angry (about someone or something).