A word to describe the desire to climb a mountain

Solution 1:

mountainlust (usually mountain lust)

In the first example it is a literal translation of the German; perhaps also based on

wanderlust—An eager desire or fondness for wandering or travelling. OED

... did not know the names of any of the mountains in his district. He had to ask around for this information... The Javanese clearly lack what Junghuhn calls berglust, which can be translated as mountainlust... which, in turn, is part of a larger codification. E. M. Beekman; Troubled Pleasures (1996)

Jon Miller; Mountain Lust: The Allure of Mont Blanc (2014)

Unlike other regiments, the SAS didn't grant their soldiers funds or time off for adventure training. It was particularly tough on Nine Troop guys, because they all got mountain lust sooner or later. Andy McNab; Seven Troop (2021)

Mountain lust gripped me, as it sometimes does when I think back on why I would spend twenty-four hours hiking up and down a rivet of magmic earth, one of the most-climbed, one of the most-photographed mountains in the world, why I would hike in the dark, through a storm, to sit in the cold and wait for the same light that appears everywhere on Earth. C. C. Peters; Mountain Madness

...have taken up cross-country skiing as a winter outlet for my mountain lust. Stephen Smith; Escape to the Mountain

Ah, the allure of switchback trails into the unknown heights. My mountain lust stirred for a second. Lone Morch; Seeing Red

It was particularly tough on Nine Troop guys, because they all got mountain lust sooner or later. Andy McNab; Seven Troop

Soon the mountain lust will be in man's veins and the open road and the open sky will beckon. Trail and Timerline

The sight of a mountain like Mount Rainier, to those of us who love mountains, causes a brief increase in the pulse and a sudden, quiet, yet involuntary intake of air through pursed lips, as though our whole being is saying, “Wow! Look at the beauty of that!” This physical reaction is usually followed immediately by the thought, “I must go there. A mountain lover like me has a desire for mountains that could perhaps be best described as “mountain lust.” Frank Henninger; Exploring Mount Rainier

In this Spot, Sadhguru sends a message from the foothills of mighty Annapurna, Nepal’s famed mountain range. Inspired by these snowcapped peaks, Sadhguru “spills” poems. “Home at Hamde,” “Annapoorna,” and “Mountain Lace” are sure to stir up “mountain lust,” as Sadhguru puts it. "About Mountain Lust"

Our Company Mountain Lust (meaning — A strong Desire for Mountains/ Love for Mountains), was formed in year 2016, but registered in 2018 as ... moutainlust website

Visit the top hills stations in India to discover the spellbinding natural beauty of the country and soothe your mountain lust. Trinity World Holidays