Word for someone being mistreated [duplicate]

Solution 1:

I found all of these in a thesaurus, under the entry for weakling:

pushover, namby-pamby, coward, milksop; informal wimp, weed, sissy, twinkie, drip, softie, doormat, chicken, yellow-belly, scaredy-cat, wuss

Based on your question, I'd recommend pushover or doormat from that list. Others might work better if you want to emphasize the person's weakness, as opposed to their status as a perpetual victim.

Wuss might work well, too; NOAD defines it as a weak or ineffectual person (often used as a general term of abuse).

Solution 2:

Another more colloquial option would be to refer to him as your punching bag (something/someone that just stands there and takes your abuse anytime you care to dish it out).

Solution 3:

In the spirit of Christmas, I believe the right answer here is victim.

Other possibilities, arranged from short to long, include prey, mark, butt, gull, wretch, target, quarry, martyr, underdog, sufferer, innocent, scapegoat, sacrifice, and unfortunate.

Solution 4:

Perhaps fall guy, one who, in the OED’s definition, ‘is easily tricked, an easy victim; one who "takes the rap" for others, a scapegoat.’