What's the most efficient way to make money?

Solution 1:

What is working for me is a combination of the following:

  • Smash everything

All the chests and destructible items add up ... a box killing rampage earns a slow but steady income. If you use a chakram or some area affecting magic, it's not even that slow. Don't miss the sunken treasure, look for ripples on the water to indicate their presence.

  • Change your shards to gems

A shard sells for around 150, a gem for around 1000. It's pretty basic math to see that combining 2 shards before selling them more than triples your income from them. Suddenly Sagecraft + Mercantilism start paying off.

  • Detect hidden your way to fame and fortune, well fortune anyway

Don't pass up the chance to hit a small hidden area with even more treasure. Hidden treasure, doors and such will add enough to a regular walk through of an area to make it well worth it.

  • Loot everything in sight

This game isn't cheap on the pops, and it's your personal mission to supply the Kingdoms of Amalur shopkeepers with every kind of crap imaginable.

Solution 2:

The fastest way I've found to make money is quests. There are so many quests in this game - it's impossible to throw a chakram without hitting a questgiver in most of the towns.

In addition to the (usually small) cash bonus for finishing a quest, quests will take you around the map and pit you against a variety of enemies, both of which are certain to help you turn up loot. Most of the loot in this game is shop fodder.

I'd also suggest taking a couple of ranks in the "Detect Hidden" skill as early as possible - this skill will show you caches of hidden items that practically litter each area. Each one tends to have at least one or two magical items that you can pilfer at your leisure. Additionally, having ranks of Detect Hidden sometimes causes you to get bonus gold from chests and destructible items, which is also useful.

Solution 3:

Combination of a lot of different ideas like selling the gems, bumping sagecraft, detect hidden and mercantile skills being a few along with participating in as many side quests as possible all I would echo as recommendations.

But one that I haven't seen anywhere is Rose Barden and dice roll Gamble at the Star Camp in the Sidhe.

She will bump into if you hang around the camp long enough unless she's asleep on a blanket somewhere in the camp. When she offers you a roll of the dice, save then take the bet.

Obviously if you win save your game and repeat, and if you lose exit and re-load from the save point.

Save after each win and if you are patient enough 10-12 rolls you can make about 4,000.00.

Yes it takes time but it is a sure win as long you remember not to save when you lose and only save the positive results :).

There are other trainers in the area as well as a buy sell merchart and that 4,000 bucks could pay off for training in stealth and mercantile I believe or getting health potions and recipes which you always need to survive and progress in the game.