Is 'highly advise' proper English? [closed]

"Strongly advise" is what I would use to show powerful conviction.

However, you could also use "highly recommend".

In my opinion, either "strongly advise" or "highly recommend" works for both scenarios.

Depends what you mean by 'proper'! But it isn't common, previous answers are right. I couldn't find any instances at all of "highly advise" in the British National Corpus, but 'strongly' is the sixth strongest collocate with 'advise'.

enter image description here You can see the BNC here

Funnily enough though I follow a particular (British) YouTuber who uses 'highly advise' frequently in his videos. Sounds weird to me every time he does it. But he has about 4 million subscribers so it hasn't done him too much harm in life!

highly advise(d)

I, an AmE native, prefer highly advise over strongly advise, despite usage numbers. My sense: either is acceptable (not sure what proper even means). The following 21st C. usages are offered in support: (all google books)

  • Jack Jack

  • The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric

  • Hacking Malware & Rootkits: Security Secrets and Solutions

  • Dying for a Living

There are many more listings with a simple google book search: "highly advise".