Is there more to an interface than having the correct methods

So lets say I have this interface:

public interface IBox
   public void setSize(int size);
   public int getSize();
   public int getArea();
  //...and so on

And I have a class that implements it:

public class Rectangle implements IBox
   private int size;
   //Methods here

If I wanted to use the interface IBox, i can't actually create an instance of it, in the way:

public static void main(String args[])
    Ibox myBox=new Ibox();

right? So I'd actually have to do this:

public static void main(String args[])
    Rectangle myBox=new Rectangle();

If that's true, then the only purpose of interfaces is to make sure that the class which implements an interface has got the correct methods in it as described by an interface? Or is there any other use of interfaces?

Interfaces are a way to make your code more flexible. What you do is this:

Ibox myBox=new Rectangle();

Then, later, if you decide you want to use a different kind of box (maybe there's another library, with a better kind of box), you switch your code to:

Ibox myBox=new OtherKindOfBox();

Once you get used to it, you'll find it's a great (actually essential) way to work.

Another reason is, for example, if you want to create a list of boxes and perform some operation on each one, but you want the list to contain different kinds of boxes. On each box you could do:


(assuming IBox has a close() method) even though the actual class of myBox changes depending on which box you're at in the iteration.

What makes interfaces useful is not the fact that "you can change your mind and use a different implementation later and only have to change the one place where the object is created". That's a non-issue.

The real point is already in the name: they define an interface that anyone at all can implement to use all code that operates on that interface. The best example is java.util.Collections which provides all kinds of useful methods that operate exclusively on interfaces, such as sort() or reverse() for List. The point here is that this code can now be used to sort or reverse any class that implements the List interfaces - not just ArrayList and LinkedList, but also classes that you write yourself, which may be implemented in a way the people who wrote java.util.Collections never imagined.

In the same way, you can write code that operates on well-known interfaces, or interfaces you define, and other people can use your code without having to ask you to support their classes.

Another common use of interfaces is for Callbacks. For example, java.swing.table.TableCellRenderer, which allows you to influence how a Swing table displays the data in a certain column. You implement that interface, pass an instance to the JTable, and at some point during the rendering of the table, your code will get called to do its stuff.

One of the many uses I have read is where its difficult without multiple-inheritance-using-interfaces in Java :

class Animal
void walk() { } 
.... //other methods and finally
void chew() { } //concentrate on this

Now, Imagine a case where:

class Reptile extends Animal 
//reptile specific code here
} //not a problem here


class Bird extends Animal
...... //other Bird specific code
} //now Birds cannot chew so this would a problem in the sense Bird classes can also call chew() method which is unwanted

Better design would be:

class Animal
void walk() { } 
.... //other methods 

Animal does not have the chew() method and instead is put in an interface as :

interface Chewable {
void chew();

and have Reptile class implement this and not Birds (since Birds cannot chew) :

class Reptile extends Animal implements Chewable { } 

and incase of Birds simply:

class Bird extends Animal { }