If I have a game level that needs precision and fast decision making, what skills are being challenged?

Solution 1:

Coming from a dota background, if you're looking for the ability to precisely control your input devices (keyboard, mouse, VR, etc.), the word is mechanical skills.

I've also witnessed the word used in contexts other than strategy games, for example, in this text: https://www.quora.com/Which-video-game-requires-the-most-mechanical-skill

Note that mechanical skills do not include decision making, so if I were to write that sentence, it would be:

Put your decision making and mechanical skills to test.

From a non-gaming perspective, and if you want to keep the sentence structure the same, reflex, which can be used an adjective, meaning pertaining to timely decisions performed as a response to a stimulus and without conscious thought, and depending on the type of game, it may also test perception, which is the ability to become aware of something through the senses.

Challenge your reflex skills.

Challenge your perception skills.

I'd still go with "Put your decision making and mechanical skills to test."