(Tongue in cheek) word for a mysteriously attractive man?

I'm currently looking for a word that describes a mysterious, attractive man, preferably tongue-in-cheek. The ones I can think of are dashing, alluring, seductive, tempting, but none of these seem to fit the bill for me and my thesaurus search hasn't been very fruitful.

It needs to be the adjective in this sentence:

The stubble was too short to pass as a beard, but too long to sell as the adjective maverick's hallmark.

Solution 1:

Something simple like "charming" or "charmer" would work. Failing that you could use lounge-lizard, louche, Casanova, lothario, Romeo, heartbreaker, playboy, lady-killer, rake, stud, ladie's man, libertine, Don Juan, Adonis...

Have a browse through a thesaurus and there's probably loads more.

Solution 2:

Maverick is already doing the heavy lifting for you.

"Straight", I'd go with an adjective that flows nicely like:

"the rugged maverick's hallmark"

Tongue-in-cheek, I would go with something that says he's the opposite of rugged: something that implies pretentious or artificial:

matinee idol
fancy man
dude ranch
Marlboro Man
movie cowboy
Don Johnson
Miami Vice
Beverly Hills
romance novel
dime store (I suppose now it would be a dollar store, but that's not the idiom)