Any single word to refer to the user who has already logged in and is using the application? [closed]

Frequently developers need to refer to the user that has been logged on the application. This user is generally referred to as the current user. I would prefer to use a single word for it due to the high frequency of occurrence of this in the codebase and reduce vague of the general word user.

As a current user always has a session on the application, I was thinking to choose sessioner. However, most spell checkers mark it as a misspelled word.

Is there any better candidate, please?

It doesn't have to have the current connotation in the name, any appropriate synonym for the user can be agreed to be used for the current user.

Example sentence:

The user who made these recent changes must be the ______, after all, nobody has logged in after him.

This is a different exchange that seems to conclude that there is no good single word. Some suggest Member.

Other possibilities:

If you are looking for a word to describe recent (but not necessarily current) users I'd suggest returner as it implies that they are likely to be back. (This is how I think of active users. They generally interact with the product, but might not be currently on). Also, constituent might work depending on your context. Constituent is normally used for a voter in an election, but does imply occasional interaction and is most likely not used for anything else on your application.

For specifically people who are logged on at this moment in time I might suggest submitter. However, this would seem to also include anyone that has submitted a request even if they have now logged off (for example a bug report might have a submitter that is not current). Another option is actor. Actors are be definition doing some action (outside of movie/play context) and therefore is a decent word for the currently active users.

If you just want unique words that are marginally related, what about bustler or hustler. They both share the same formal definition according to Webster, but the second has a bad connotation so the first is a better option. Both imply activity which is related to currently logged on. You could even use a more out there word such as adventurer and just have a local comment giving it meaning.

Overall, I believe Constituent and Actor are the best two options I could come up with.

Active users are those who have used a given online service during a specific period of time (e.g., for the last month), whereas current users are those who are currently logged in.

As far as I know, there's no single word for a "currently logged in user" that is idiomatically used in the industry. A "current user" is as far as you can shorten it. So if you're simply using it for the internal labeling, I suggest you use the word 'current' or 'logged-in', because the 'user' label is always redundant in your situation.

'Operant' is a good fit; the current operator of the application or website. This is a less specific equivalent to the driver of car, pilot of a plane etc, which are by definition the 'current user' of these devices.

From and also

An operative person or thing

References per the request from @shoover.