Firefox: non-Vimperator way to do mouseless browsing?

Firefox has two search keys: / searches any text; ' searches for just links. Both continue the search with F3.

Two suggestions:

  1. Hitting the F7 key toggles whether the arrow keys scroll the page or move the cursor. It's handy for selecting text, but it can also be useful for moving the cursor over top of a link.

  2. Use the MouselessBrowing extension. I haven't used it in quite some time, but it used to work very, very well.

Tick on "Search for text when I start typing" (menu ToolsOptions → under headline Browsing (scroll down)), and then you can type the text of links and hit Enter, which massively increases speed of navigation.

(For older versions of Firefox, it is in OptionsAdvancedGeneral.)

If I know the text of the link I want to go to, / (quick-find) works pretty well.