idiom for 'spent the night awake'

There's a Portuguese expression that refers to someone who can't sleep at night (for whatever reason: worry, a colicky baby, finishing a project before the deadline, a night-long party, etc) which is

passar a noite em claro or em branco

literaly translated as

to spend the night in light or in white though one could also more freely attempt to say 'in blank'.

Is there a similar idiom in English?

I've come across the expression 'lose sleep' in several online dictionaries, but that is usually defined as being associated with worry. 'To have a bad night' and 'to toss and turn' are also not what I'm looking for as they are also associated to worry and difficulty falling asleep, while the Portuguese one simply refers to not sleeping, whether for bad reasons (more common) or for nicer ones.

Example of usage:

I'm really tired. I spent the night awake finishing the history essay.

Let me guess: you spent a night awake again, didn't you? What was it this time?

Merriam Webster lists White Night as "a sleepless night" - a translation from the French "nuit blanche."

I also like the Free Online dictionary's definition:* 1. A night without sleep. 2. A night without full darkness, as during the summer in high latitudes.

Although the term is much more common in France than in English, the 1985 film "White Nights" popularized it a bit, at least in the US.

And here is an example of usage, from The Guardian: 10 Great White Night Experiences

*Citation: American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.