Better way to refer to a purchase paid in installments?

I'm trying to translate the phrase "Pagar a meses sin intereses" from spanish. I have searched for translations and the most convincing for me is "to pay in installments" but I'm not sure it expresses the same concept, and don't know if it's the most commonly used in english. I'm looking for a phrase or term that is commonplace and accurate.

For non-spanish speakers: If you make a purchase with a credit card and instead of paying the full amount immediately, you pay amount/number_of_months without incurring any interest from your bank.

Edit - Examples in a sentence: Compré mi computadora a 12 meses sin intereses. ¿Puedo pagar a meses (sin intereses)?

More clarification: I'm from Mexico and this type of purchase is very common here. You pay by credit card and the total amount is split and each fraction paid monthly. In some other Latin American countries it's called "pagar en cuotas". It is different from a loan because there's no interest incurred. I don't want a precise legal term, but rather the most common way to refer to this type of payment, preferably a simple phrase that isn't an explanation in itself but a concept.

After posting the same question on Money and Financing as suggested, surprisingly there isn't ONE term used for it. It varies even for different stores, apparently. This is really interesting to me since in Mexico the Meses sin intereses term in generalized completely. Sometimes shortened to just meses or MSI. It seems it is not only a language issue, but also cultural, and I did not expect that.