how to prepare a flow chart using libre office writer

Short and simply put how to prepare a common flow chart using Libre office.

i just want to prepare a simple flow chart without any complexities.

I would strongly suggest you use Libre Office Draw or Impress, not Writer, as it handles shapes much better. Impress also includes connectors. However, if you want to use Writer:

First click View -> Toolbars -> Drawing.

enter image description here

Then click on the flowcharts button, on the drawing tool bar. (For ease of use, drag the 3 lines at the bottom to make it into a permanent window.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Hovering over each item will show you what it does.

enter image description here

Click on one, and draw it on the page, then double click on it to type in it.

enter image description here

Then click on the Block arrows (Drag that off as well if you like).

enter image description here

And draw an arrow.

enter image description here


enter image description here

My pronouns are He / Him

However, Libreoffice Draw is probably better for this. The icons are all the same, but it is better at handling the shapes than text - if you type something in text it will mess it up, but draw will be okay.