How to add custom color scheme to gedit-3.14.0

Solution 1:

On my machine it seems gedit keeps its newly added themes at:


though I believe on some installations it is at:


The original themes are (on my machine) at:


So the information below isn't particularly relevant, though I'll let it stay because it might help in some way.

From the documentation at:

To install a style just place its XML file into a folder of the style search path.

GtkSourceView 2

A typical search path for GtkSourceView version 2 looks like:

If this does not work in your distribution you can find out your style search path with this python script. To run it you need the python bindings for GtkSourceView 2. In Debian-based distributions this is package python-gtksourceview2.

GtkSourceView 3

A typical search path for GtkSourceView version 3 looks like

Solution 2:

You can find free themes here:

  1. Find your theme and click download.

  2. An xml code will appear. Copy and it and open your text editor.

  3. Paste your xml code and save under xml format (name_of_your_theme.xml).

  4. In gedit select Edit->Preferences->Font & Colors then click on the "+" to add new themes.

  5. Choose your theme.