How to turn off all the beep sounds?

I've found this blog post which suggests:

Start > Run > sc stop beep && sc config beep start= disabled

I couldn't test it myself but it should stop the beep and also disable the beep service permanently (or at least until you re-enable it), so there's no need to run it every time or set up a .bat file.

For a GUI approach:

Start -> Run -> devmgmt.msc [Enter] -> View -> Show hidden Devices.

then in the window:

Non-Plug and Play Drivers -> Beep -> Disable.

There is also the option here to keep it like this permanently when you restart, which I think the net command will not do.

start -> run -> net stop beep

If you're on Windows XP you can use TweakUI:

  1. General
  2. Settings
  3. Uncheck: Beep on errors