Play/pause with a media key

I have a Microsoft keyboard with a play/pause button. Is there a way I can map the play/pause key to the Play/Pause button on the Pandora website?

I use Chrome as my browser and am running Windows 7.

I have cooked up a solution using AutoHotkey. It takes a bit to set up, but it is worth it!


  1. Download and install AutoHotkey_L

  2. Create a new .txt file. Rename it to have the .ahk extension.

    new file

  3. Right-click the file and select Edit Script.

    edit script

  4. Input the following:

  5. Save.

  6. Right-click the file again, this time selecting Run Script.

    run script

    The script is active as indicated in the Windows tray:

    tray icon

  7. Right-click the tray icon and select Open.

    open script

  8. Press your play/pause key. The keystroke has been logged.

  9. From the menu, select View > Key history and script info.

    view menu

  10. Toward the bottom, you will see some information about the recent keystroke. We are interested in the SC (Scan Code). In my case, it was 122.

    scan code

  11. Open up in Google Chrome.

  12. Press Ctrl+L to select the Address Bar.

  13. Now, press Tab multiple times until the focus has been moved to Pandora's play/pause button. Keep count! In my case, it took 10 tabs.

    pandora focus

  14. Right-click the AutoHotkey tray icon and select Exit. We are done with the setup!

The Script:

Create and run the following script, in the same manner as Steps #2-6 above. Replace XXX in the 1st line with your scan code, and replace YY in the 5th line with your tab count.

SetTitleMatchMode, 1
WinGet, original, ID, A
WinActivate, Pandora Internet Radio
Send ^l
Send {Tab YY}
Send {Space}
WinActivate, ahk_id %original%

Now, when you have open and you press your play/pause key, the script will click play/pause on and return you back to where you were. This guy created a .exe that maps the media keys for you.

This is a little older, but I have some to offer a solution for those who do not want to write code. I wrote an application that lets you map your keys to Pandora. Check it out I call it Pandora Keys the application itself is open source so you can edit it if needed. It has some other neat features which are outlined on the website.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Disclaimer: I am the author of this application.