Test if an attribute is present in a tag in BeautifulSoup

I would like to get all the <script> tags in a document and then process each one based on the presence (or absence) of certain attributes.

E.g., for each <script> tag, if the attribute for is present do something; else if the attribute bar is present do something else.

Here is what I am doing currently:

outputDoc = BeautifulSoup(''.join(output))
scriptTags = outputDoc.findAll('script', attrs = {'for' : True})

But this way I filter all the <script> tags with the for attribute... but I lost the other ones (those without the for attribute).

Solution 1:

If i understand well, you just want all the script tags, and then check for some attributes in them?

scriptTags = outputDoc.findAll('script')
for script in scriptTags:
    if script.has_attr('some_attribute'):

Solution 2:

For future reference, has_key has been deprecated is beautifulsoup 4. Now you need to use has_attr

scriptTags = outputDoc.find_all('script')
  for script in scriptTags:
    if script.has_attr('some_attribute'):