Meaning of "longago" (as an adjective) in a context

I think there's a slight ambiguity in the word longago in this context.

the longago Deputy Speaker who was killed in the National Assembly when the furniture was flung at him by elected representatives. Source: Salman Rushdie - Shame (1983)

I can't figure out whether it means "the former Deputy speaker" or it means "Deputy speaker who died long time ago"

I found a word long-ago and its explanation in Merriam-Webster, but I'm not sure it's the same word.

Some background on events Salman Rushdie is referring to:

Shahed Ali Patwary was a lawyer and prominent politician. He was elected as member of East Pakistan Provincial Assembly. In 1955 he was elected as Deputy Speaker. On 23 September 1958 he was injured in a fight in the assembly and died two days later.

Solution 1:

the longago Deputy Speaker who was killed in the National Assembly when the furniture was flung at him by elected representatives. Source: Salman Rushdie - Shame (1983)

As all the comments have said this is just another way of saying long-ago and all it tells us was that the deputy speaker who had furniture thrown at him held his post a long time ago.

We do not know how long he held the post.
It is most likely he was in the post when the incident happened but we can not say that with 100% accuracy[1]. He may have been deputy at 30 and came to visit at 90 when the furniture got thrown.

We do not even know when this was long-ago is >50 years to me >10 years to my teenager.

[1] but if anyone wrote this text not intending you to understand he was the deputy at the time of the furniture incident, they are either bad writers, or writing a riddle. (who was the deputy when somebody got killed with furniture?)