How do you Sort a DataTable given column and direction?

Solution 1:

I assume "direction" is "ASC" or "DESC" and dt contains a column named "colName"

public static DataTable resort(DataTable dt, string colName, string direction)
    DataTable dtOut = null;
    dt.DefaultView.Sort = colName + " " + direction;
    dtOut = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();
    return dtOut;

OR without creating dtOut

public static DataTable resort(DataTable dt, string colName, string direction)
    dt.DefaultView.Sort = colName + " " + direction;
    dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();
    return dt;

Solution 2:

If you've only got one DataView, you can sort using that instead:

table.DefaultView.Sort = "columnName asc";

Haven't tried it, but I guess you can do this with any number of DataViews, as long as you reference the right one.