Getting HTTP headers with Node.js

Is there a built in way to get the headers of a specific address via node.js?

something like,

var headers = getUrlHeaders("");

would return

HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
Cache-Control: public, max-age=60.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8.
Content-Encoding: gzip.
Expires: Sat, 07 May 2011 17:32:38 GMT.
Last-Modified: Sat, 07 May 2011 17:31:38 GMT.
Vary: *.
Date: Sat, 07 May 2011 17:31:37 GMT.
Content-Length: 32516.

Solution 1:

This sample code should work:

var http = require('http');
var options = {method: 'HEAD', host: '', port: 80, path: '/'};
var req = http.request(options, function(res) {

Solution 2:

Try to look at http.get and response headers.

var http = require("http");

var options = {
  host: '',
  port: 80,
  path: '/'

http.get(options, function(res) {
  console.log("Got response: " + res.statusCode);

  for(var item in res.headers) {
    console.log(item + ": " + res.headers[item]);
}).on('error', function(e) {
  console.log("Got error: " + e.message);