Eclipse: Referencing log4j.dtd in log4j.xml
Solution 1:
I know this question has been answered, but I'd like to provide my slightly different alternative:
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration PUBLIC
"-//APACHE//DTD LOG4J 1.2//EN" "">
It is similar to @FrVaBe's response, but on the plus side, does not require any further Eclipse configuration (i.e., if you're sharing your project with others, or have a large team, it's one less thing to worry about).
The down side though, is that I believe it means you'll need an Internet connection (at least at some point during development, even if it's just one time).
Solution 2:
Try to add the log4j.dtd as a User Specific URI XML Catalog Entry in "Preferences -> XML -> XML Catalog". As I know this is the place where eclipse manages the references to definition/validation files (like xsd). If they can be found here eclipse needs no internet access to access them on their native (web) location.
I did it like this (for test) and eclipse does not complain:
Entry element: URI
Location: C:\Users\me\Desktop\log4j.dtd
URI: file:///C:/Users/me/Desktop/log4j.dtd
Key type: URI
Maybe also ${M2_REPO} works - I did not check this.
Use the native URL in your log4j.xml afterwards
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "">
I would go with the above solution but to come back to your question, I think class path variables 'can be used in a Java Build Path'. Why should they work inside a DOCTYPE definition? "Validate" (eclipse context menu) the log4j.xml file and you will get a warning that the path can not be resolved.
I hoped classpath:org/apache/log4j/xml/log4j.dtd
would do the trick but that protocol is also not support (see validation error). I am afraid it will not work out of the box.
And, as I understood, the SYSTEM "log4j.dtd"
notation is no placeholder. It is a valid reference to a document that is expected to be found next to the dtd (in this case).
Solution 3:
I added DTD folder in webcontent and then I copied the log4j dtd file in that. then i tried like bellow. Its working
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "<Path>/DTD/log4j.dtd">
Path means here the project path like /projectname
Solution 4:
I have tried with FrVaBe's answer but didn't work for me and I did an small change in the Key value and it works.
"Preferences -> XML -> XML Catalog"
Localization: C:\Users\me\Desktop\log4j.dtd
Key Type: URI
Key: -//APACHE//DTD LOG4J 1.2//EN