How to avoid mysqldump warning "Skipping the data of table mysql.event"

After a recent Debian upgrade on my LAMP webserver to Wheezy, mysqldump is throwing a warning:

-- Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the --events option explicitly.

Events seems to be something special. Man page for mysqldump:

   *   --events, -E

       Include Event Scheduler events for the dumped databases in the output.

I have tried adding --skip-events to tell mysqldump that this is explicitly the behaviour I wanted (although I don't know why...) but it still generates the warning.

How can I (a) stop it emitting this warning, or (b) otherwise include this awkward table, if its something I should be keeping.

This appears to be a feature for which there is a workaround

mysqldump -uroot -p --events --ignore-table=mysql.event mysql > /tmp/mysql.sql"

This says dump the event (--events) table and then ignore it.

For folks that are using automysqlbackup you will need to do the following:

  1. Modify or Create your ~/.my.cnf and create a mysqldump section by adding the following

    ignore-table =

Using this solution guarantees that if you upgrade automysqlbackup that your changes won't be erased. Happy backing up!