What's up with my junk?

I noticed that I have a junk bag on the lower right hand side of my inventory screen:

enter image description here

I assumed it was to hold worthless material that can just be sold off whenever I find a merchant. However, when I click on it, it doesn't seem to do anything. As you can see in the picture, I currently have some junk in my inventory. Bones, the highlighted item, says in the description that it has "no real value". Shouldn't that item be living in this so-called junk bag?

So how does this junk bag work? I tried to drag things to it and that didn't work and clicking it doesn't do anything either. What am I missing?

There are two ways that you can junk items.

  • Click on the icon, not the name, of an item in your inventory and drag and drop it into the junk bag. If you try to drag and drop on the name instead of the icon, it doesn't drag.

  • Right-click on an item in your inventory and select "Add to Junk".

enter image description here

These options only work if the item is unequipped.

Think of putting stuff in your junk bag as handy way of marking it as "sell this when I get back to town". When you talk to a shopkeeper, you have the option to sell everything in your junk bag.

You can view items in your junk bag by going to Inventory->Junk. You can remove items that you accidentally junked by viewing them in your junk bag, right-clicking, and selecting "Remove from Junk".

enter image description here

Also, when viewing items in your junk bag, you can select to destroy them, either individually by right-clicking and selecting "Destroy" or all together by selecting "Destroy All" at the bottom of the screen. You may find that you need to destroy some items if your inventory is getting because you're a greedy little thief like me who steals everything that isn't nailed down, even if you don't need it. After junking these stolen items, they may end up stuck in your junk bag because shopkeepers won't buy stolen goods. I assume there is a way to sell stolen items later in the game, but I haven't gotten that far yet.