Is there a single word meaning "the thing that attracts me"?

Solution 1:

The allure for me at this restaurant is their sumptuous ravioli.

allure TFD


The power to attract; enticement.

Solution 2:

The appeal maybe? "To me, the appeal of this restaurant is their sumptuous ravioli."

From Cambridge Dictionary: "the quality in someone or something that makes him, her, or it attractive or interesting:"

  • sex appeal
  • Spielberg's movies have a wide appeal.
  • This used to be a marvellous hotel but it has lost its appeal in recent years.

Solution 3:

I think you're going for "attraction" which is the noun form of attract. But the sentence is still a little stilted. "Draw" would be nice - "The draw for me at this restaurant is the sumptuous ravioli."