Word for not being happy with something but having to be satisfied with it

Solution 1:

Given the context, I would suggest "make do with" as in "I'll have to make do with using Nero." This suggests the solution to your problem is suboptimal but workable. I would argue that to "resign oneself" to something is a bit too strong for this case. One might resign oneself to a life of thankless toil, or to never achieving one's Olympic dreams, whereas one might make do with a pair of flip flops that are too large. A suboptimal software solution seems closer to the second case.

Solution 2:

In English, you can resign yourself to something. This site explains:

Meaning: If you resign yourself to something, you accept that it's true and that there's nothing you can do to change it.

For example:

Margaret has resigned herself to the fact that her company won't survive, and she's started looking for a job.

I admitted that my dream of being a famous movie star would never come true, and I resigned myself to a life in the suburbs with everyone else.

So if you resign yourself to something, then you aren't happy with it but you accept it as is. The associated state of being is resigned.

Solution 3:

Acquiesce would be the word you are looking for.

To acquiesce is to accept something reluctantly but without protest.

For example:

Avi didn't want to go see that movie, but acquiesced to Betty, who really wanted to see the film.

Solution 4:

Also to settle for something.