Idiom for 'Resisting just to resist'

Recently, I've been listening to the song 'Time and Time Again" by Chronic Future (link for those who wish to listen).

Around line 6 of verse 3, the lyric is

You dig yourself so deep you resist just to resist

I don't know if I'm just having a bout of deja vu, but I'm fairly sure that there is an idiom that refers to the concept of 'resisting just to resist', but I'm not sure if it really does exist or not. If it does exist and someone knows what it is, I request that you tell me, please. Or if it doesn't exist, let me know about that as well. Thanks!

A possibility is

... for the sake of it

As defined by Merriam-Webster:

idiom : for no particular reason

In your context, it could imply that the person "resisting just to resist" is resisting to the point where there is no reason for doing it; they are resisting for the sake of resisting [it].