Keycloak Docker HTTPS required

Update Feb 2022:

Keycloak 17+ (e.g. doesn't support autogeneration of selfsigned cert. Minimal HTTPS working example for Keycloak 17+:

1.) Generate selfsigned domain cert/key (follow instructions on your terminal):

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
  -keyout server.key.pem -x509 -days 3650 -out server.crt.pem

2.) Update permissions for the key

chmod 755 server.key.pem

3.) Start Keycloak (use volumes for cert/key):

docker run \
  --name keycloak \
  -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin \
  -e KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_FILE=/opt/keycloak/conf/server.crt.pem \
  -e KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE=/opt/keycloak/conf/server.key.pem \
  -v $PWD/server.crt.pem:/opt/keycloak/conf/server.crt.pem \
  -v $PWD/server.key.pem:/opt/keycloak/conf/server.key.pem \
  -p 8443:8443 \ \

Keycloak will be exposed on port 8443 with HTTPS protocol with this setup. If you use also proxy (e.g. nginx) you will need to configure also env variable KC_PROXY properly (e.g. KC_PROXY=edge). Of course you can use also keycloak.conf file instead of env variables.

Old answer for Keycloak up to 16.1.1 and Keycloak legacy 17+:

Publish port 8443 (HTTPS) and use it instead of 8080 (HTTP):

docker run \
  --name keycloak \
  -e KEYCLOAK_USER=myadmin \
  -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=mypassword \
  -p 8443:8443 \

Keycloak generates self signed cert for https in this setup. Of course, this is not a production setup.


Use volumes for own TLS certificate:

  -v /<path>/tls.crt:/etc/x509/https/tls.crt \
  -v /<path>/tls.key:/etc/x509/https/tls.key \

This was a solution that also granted access to the admin console with no security when using as a starting point and DigitalOcean as service provider:

Start container:

$ docker run {containerName}

Open bash for container:

$ docker exec -it {containerName} bash

Move to:

$ cd keycloak/bin

create new admin user with:

$ ./ --server http://{IP}:8080/admin    
--realm master --user admin --password newpassword

(not as suggested in many places)

Restart droplet in DigitalOcean etc. to activated admin user created prior to the shutdown. After restarting the droplet login with:

$ ./ config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth 
--realm master --user admin

Changing ssl settings on the realm:

$ ./ update realms/master -s sslRequired=NONE

This solution does not create any security but allows you to access the Admin console.

After this it is suggested to start workin on this: