NSInvalidArgumentException - receiver has no segue with identifier

I was able to fix it by running "clean" under the "Product" menu in Xcode, and resetting the contents and settings in the simulator.

I had this same problem. In my initializer - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder I was doing self = [super init]; when I should have done self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];. When I fixed this everything worked as expected.

I had the same problem and struggled with it for hours. Stackmonster's answer solved my problem (rename the storyboard), but I didn't understand why it solved the problem.

I found that when I changed an item on the storyboard (added a label or changed background colour) it was not reflected in the simulator - I wasn't using the storyboard that I could see in xcode, but an older version of the storyboard. I had to rename the storyboard in the project navigator and also rename it in the info.plist (in supporting files) and my label appeared, and the background colour applied, and the segue worked.

I don't know why the storyboard changes weren't taking effect, but it caused me a huge amount of time to find. I've seen on the blogs that a lot of devs have the same problem.