What is an expression for something that appears important/valuable but actually isn't that important/valuable

For example, I believe that pie charts of your spending are presented as being important and valuable, but they rarely result in actual better spending habits. Therefore, pie charts of your spending are ________.

While a single word is appreciated, I would prefer an expression like "pie charts of your spending are a red herring" (but "red herring" isn't quite right).

Solution 1:

To be exact, an object that attains more attention and importance than it deserves can be called "overrated" in a single word.

"Overestimated importance" is an expression that can fulfill the same linguistic function.

Solution 2:

I would say that such pie-charts are of spurious value.

OED meaning of spurious - sense 3 is the important one:

Superficially resembling or simulating, but lacking the genuine character or qualities of, something; not true or genuine; false, sham, counterfeit:

Solution 3:

The term that comes to mind is fool's gold. "Something that seems more promising than it really is."

Solution 4:

How about boondoggle?

noun 1. work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value. "writing off the cold fusion phenomenon as a boondoggle best buried in literature"