Mac OS X Lion - Xcode components simulator location

Solution 1:

In XCode5 the simulators are downloaded in a temporary folder download-and-install-cache-dstroot:


And I bet the simulator is linked to the compiler in a way that you need a new iOS6 simulator even if you had one for XCode 4.5.1.

Use Munki and Reposado to roll your own if you want to save downloading for each Mac.

Solution 2:

The download location changes every time you start the download.

find /private/var -name Xcode.SDK.iPhoneSim*

will reveal the download directory.

The download is restarted every time you click "Install", that is, any previous download is discarded (what a waste with 600 MB+ file size).

Although the downloaded file is a DMG, I still don't know how to copy from one machine to another to prevent downloading.

Solution 3:

The location of dmg file downloaded by Xcode is placed here.
