New posts in simulator

How do I simulate Windows 8 RT in VS 2012?

Mac OS X Lion - Xcode components simulator location

How to kill the keyboard in Firefox OS Simulator

iPhone Development - Simulate Memory Warning

Can we test Face ID in simulator?

waiting thread until a condition has been occurred

Missing keyboard on iOS8 simulator?

Why isn't my assembly program setting r1 to the correct value?

How to mimic two-finger scroll/drag gesture on ios simulator?

Xcode 6.4 showing duplicate 'Simulators' with Unique Id

Xcode only lets me run for an iOS device (no simulator)

Download Xcode simulator directly

Programmatically detect if app is being run on device or simulator

Can React Native apps be tested in a browser?

How can I reset the iOS Simulator from the command line?

The app delegate must implement the window property if it wants to use a main storyboard file swift

Is there a way to simulate multiple iphones using xcode/iphone sim?

Xcode Simulator animations extremely slow when played in editor

Can I install the "app store" in an IOS simulator?

Xcode6: Run two instances of the simulator