yum update entire release but limit to a prior version
Solution 1:
Go into /etc/yum.repos.d/, and carefully look at all of the files in there.
For each file that points to a CentOS repository, disable it by setting enabled=0
, and make a copy that points to the CentOS 6.3 repo directories on vault.centos.org. Any directory with a "repodata" subdirectory is usable as a yum repository directory.
You'll probably at least want:
name=CentOS 6.3 - $basearch
name=CentOS 6.3 Updates - $basearch
Note that you won't get any security updates that came out since CentOS 6.4 was released. If you install the yum-plugin-security
module, you may be able to use commands like yum --enablerepo=centos --security update-minimal
to pull in just the security updates, but I have not checked that, and have not even verified the yum repository names.
Solution 2:
Are using spacewalk server do update you Cent OS or are you pulling from Cent OS (Internet).
If you have local spacewalk server using following command you can create channel Cent OS 6.3.
#spacewalk-create-channel --user=admin --server=localhost --version=6 --update=3 --release=Server --arch=x86_64 --destChannel=6-CentOS6
Once you finish above step then you can add your all Cent OS server which you want keep 6.3.
Spacewalk -2