Cheap way to detect client round trip times for http

$tcpinfo_rtt, $tcpinfo_rttvar, $tcpinfo_snd_cwnd, $tcpinfo_rcv_space

information about the client TCP connection; available on systems that support
the TCP_INFO socket option

If you have access to a linux or unix machine1, you should use tcptrace. All you need to do is capture the client traffic with wireshark or tcpdump to a pcap file.

After you have that .pcap file2, analyze with tcptrace -xtraffic <pcap_filename>3. This will generate two text files, and the average RTT stats for all connections in that pcap are shown at the bottom of the one called traffic_stats.dat.

[mpenning@Bucksnort tcpperf]$ tcptrace -xtraffic willers.pcap
mod_traffic: characterizing traffic
1 arg remaining, starting with 'willers.pcap'
Ostermann's tcptrace -- version 6.6.1 -- Wed Nov 19, 2003

16522 packets seen, 16522 TCP packets traced
elapsed wallclock time: 0:00:00.200709, 82318 pkts/sec analyzed
trace file elapsed time: 0:03:21.754962
Dumping port statistics into file traffic_byport.dat
Dumping overall statistics into file traffic_stats.dat
Plotting performed at 15.000 second intervals
[mpenning@Bucksnort tcpperf]$
[mpenning@Bucksnort tcpperf]$ cat traffic_stats.dat

Overall Statistics over 201 seconds (0:03:21.754962):
4135308 ttl bytes sent, 20573.672 bytes/second
4135308 ttl non-rexmit bytes sent, 20573.672 bytes/second
0 ttl rexmit bytes sent, 0.000 bytes/second
16522 packets sent, 82.199 packets/second
200 connections opened, 0.995 conns/second
11 dupacks sent, 0.055 dupacks/second
0 rexmits sent, 0.000 rexmits/second
average RTT: 67.511 msecs        <------------------
[mpenning@Bucksnort tcpperf]$

The .pcap file used in this example was a capture I generated when I looped through an expect script that pulled data from one of my servers. This was how I generated the loop...

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import time

for ii in xrange(0,200):
    # willers.exp is an expect script
    Popen(['./willers.exp'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)


  1. A Knoppix Live-CD will do
  2. Filtered to only capture test traffic
  3. tcptrace is capable of very detailed per-socket stats if you use other options...
[mpenning@Bucksnort tcpperf]$ tcptrace -lr willers.pcap
1 arg remaining, starting with 'willers.pcap'
Ostermann's tcptrace -- version 6.6.1 -- Wed Nov 19, 2003

16522 packets seen, 16522 TCP packets traced
elapsed wallclock time: 0:00:00.080496, 205252 pkts/sec analyzed
trace file elapsed time: 0:03:21.754962
TCP connection info:
200 TCP connections traced:
TCP connection 1:
        host c:        myhost.local:44781
        host d:        willers.local:22
        complete conn: RESET    (SYNs: 2)  (FINs: 1)
        first packet:  Tue May 31 22:52:24.154801 2011
        last packet:   Tue May 31 22:52:25.668430 2011
        elapsed time:  0:00:01.513628
        total packets: 73
        filename:      willers.pcap
   c->d:                              d->c:
     total packets:            34           total packets:            39
     resets sent:               4           resets sent:               0
     ack pkts sent:            29           ack pkts sent:            39
     pure acks sent:           11           pure acks sent:            2
     sack pkts sent:            0           sack pkts sent:            0
     dsack pkts sent:           0           dsack pkts sent:           0
     max sack blks/ack:         0           max sack blks/ack:         0
     unique bytes sent:      2512           unique bytes sent:     14336
     actual data pkts:         17           actual data pkts:         36
     actual data bytes:      2512           actual data bytes:     14336
     rexmt data pkts:           0           rexmt data pkts:           0
     rexmt data bytes:          0           rexmt data bytes:          0
     zwnd probe pkts:           0           zwnd probe pkts:           0
     zwnd probe bytes:          0           zwnd probe bytes:          0
     outoforder pkts:           0           outoforder pkts:           0
     pushed data pkts:         17           pushed data pkts:         33
     SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/1           SYN/FIN pkts sent:       1/0
     req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y           req 1323 ws/ts:          Y/Y
     adv wind scale:            6           adv wind scale:            1
     req sack:                  Y           req sack:                  Y
     sacks sent:                0           sacks sent:                0
     urgent data pkts:          0 pkts      urgent data pkts:          0 pkts
     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes     urgent data bytes:         0 bytes
     mss requested:          1460 bytes     mss requested:          1460 bytes
     max segm size:           792 bytes     max segm size:          1448 bytes
     min segm size:            16 bytes     min segm size:            32 bytes
     avg segm size:           147 bytes     avg segm size:           398 bytes
     max win adv:           40832 bytes     max win adv:           66608 bytes
     min win adv:            5888 bytes     min win adv:           66608 bytes
     zero win adv:              0 times     zero win adv:              0 times
     avg win adv:           14035 bytes     avg win adv:           66608 bytes
     initial window:           32 bytes     initial window:           40 bytes
     initial window:            1 pkts      initial window:            1 pkts
     ttl stream length:      2512 bytes     ttl stream length:        NA
     missed data:               0 bytes     missed data:              NA
     truncated data:            0 bytes     truncated data:            0 bytes
     truncated packets:         0 pkts      truncated packets:         0 pkts
     data xmit time:        1.181 secs      data xmit time:        1.236 secs
     idletime max:          196.9 ms        idletime max:          196.9 ms
     throughput:             1660 Bps       throughput:             9471 Bps

     RTT samples:              18           RTT samples:              24
     RTT min:                43.8 ms        RTT min:                 0.0 ms
     RTT max:               142.5 ms        RTT max:                 7.2 ms
     RTT avg:                68.5 ms        RTT avg:                 0.7 ms
     RTT stdev:              35.8 ms        RTT stdev:               1.6 ms

     RTT from 3WHS:          80.8 ms        RTT from 3WHS:           0.0 ms

     RTT full_sz smpls:         1           RTT full_sz smpls:         3
     RTT full_sz min:       142.5 ms        RTT full_sz min:         0.0 ms
     RTT full_sz max:       142.5 ms        RTT full_sz max:         0.0 ms
     RTT full_sz avg:       142.5 ms        RTT full_sz avg:         0.0 ms
     RTT full_sz stdev:       0.0 ms        RTT full_sz stdev:       0.0 ms

     post-loss acks:            0           post-loss acks:            0
     segs cum acked:            0           segs cum acked:            9
     duplicate acks:            0           duplicate acks:            1
     triple dupacks:            0           triple dupacks:            0
     max # retrans:             0           max # retrans:             0
     min retr time:           0.0 ms        min retr time:           0.0 ms
     max retr time:           0.0 ms        max retr time:           0.0 ms
     avg retr time:           0.0 ms        avg retr time:           0.0 ms
     sdv retr time:           0.0 ms        sdv retr time:           0.0 ms